High-Rise Construction in the Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]

19:29, 14.10.2015
High-Rise Construction in the Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]
High-Rise Construction in the Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]

A mushroom village is not typically found by default, but there are exceptions where a village can generate at the borders of certain biomes where villages cannot normally exist.

These biomes include: snowy biomes, mushroom biomes, jungles, and mesas. In this seed, you will spawn very close to a village that connects with a mushroom biome, with part of the village located within this same biome – it looks absolutely stunning.Village on a mushroom island [0.13.x/0.12.x]
Village on a mushroom island [0.13.x/0.12.x]

One section of the village is situated in the mushroom biome, while another part lies in a regular biome.
Village on a mushroom island [0.13.x/0.12.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.12, 0.13 ОS: Android

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