Five Villages (Five-Spot Village!) [0.13.x/0.12.x]

22:07, 08.09.2015
Five Villages (Five-Spot Village!) [0.13.x/0.12.x]
Five Villages (Five-Spot Village!) [0.13.x/0.12.x]

Upon using this seed, you will find yourself near a tall hill, with a quaint village situated ahead of you!

Part of the village is built atop the hill, while the main section encircles a large mound.

In this village, you can discover the following items:

  • 4 iron ingots.
  • 2 emeralds.
  • 2 loaves of bread.
  • 2 saddles.
  • 4 ink sacs.

Small Mountain Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]
Small Mountain Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]

If you venture a bit further from the village, you may come across a stream of lava!Small Mountain Village [0.13.x/0.12.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.12, 0.13 ОS: Android

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  • Взади кузницы всегда почему то розлита лава

  • Так сид генерирует мир, что позади деревни существует вот такой вот поток лавы! 🙂