Double Sandstone Village [0.16.x – 0.15.x]

00:10, 12.10.2016
Double Sandstone Village [0.16.x - 0.15.x]
Double Sandstone Village [0.16.x – 0.15.x]

We invite you to try out this seed, which spawns players in a desert biome, right in front of a double village made of smooth sandstone. This seed is designed for versions Minecraft PE 0.15.x and 0.16.0 or higher.

You will spawn directly before the village:
Double sandstone village [0.16.x - 0.15.x]

This will be a double village constructed from smooth sandstone:
Double sandstone village [0.16.x - 0.15.x]
Double sandstone village [0.16.x - 0.15.x]

The only downside is that the blacksmith’s shop will be destroyed upon generation, meaning you won’t receive your starting bonus:
Double sandstone village [0.16.x - 0.15.x]

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.15, 0.16 ОS: Android

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