You Can Help Save the Oceans!

06:00, 27.06.2018
You Can Help Save the Oceans!
The Minecraft Pocket Edition community is aiding in the restoration of coral reefs!

Since the announcement of the first part of the Aquatic update for Minecraft PE, the developers at Mojang have been actively promoting their initiative called Coral Crafters. This project aims to raise awareness among a wide audience about the plight of the World Ocean, where coral reefs are facing significant extinction.

Additionally, notable contributors from the Minecraft PE community, such as Rabahrex, Logdotzip, and Stacyplays, have played a crucial role. They not only advocated for this cause but also suggested various ways to improve the condition of corals.

But why does this matter? How has Mojang decided to assist the ocean? Watch the video below to see the significance of this movement.

Observe how our community can contribute to ocean restoration.

How will this benefit the ocean? Let’s break it down. The new update in Minecraft Pocket Edition introduced numerous additions to the ocean. The aquatic world is now filled with fresh structures, items, and, of course, various creatures and mobs.

In contrast, the real world is experiencing the opposite: climate change, extensive fishing industry development, and ocean pollution are leading to severe losses in marine ecosystems. Coral reefs, one of nature’s most beautiful creations, suffer the most from human impact.

If you’ve read our previous articles, you know that coral reefs provide habitat for over two million different species—representing a quarter of all marine life! We have just begun to uncover the mysteries of these organisms, yet they are already on the brink of extinction. More than a third of all corals are beyond recovery. If this trend continues, we could lose over 60% of all corals in the near future.

That’s why we’re reaching out for your help—the entire Minecraft PE community. Only you can reverse this trend. Remember, participating in votes or purchasing new Aquatic skins is all it takes. All proceeds from skin purchases will go towards supporting the World Ocean. You can also join the coral block challenge.
You Can Help Save the Oceans!
The conditions were set: the entire Minecraft PE community needed to place over 10 million coral blocks. Following this, Mojang pledged to donate $100,000 to conservation efforts addressing this issue.

Have you placed any coral blocks? If so, give yourself a pat on the back—you contributed to helping corals. Just a few days ago, the community reached the milestone of ten million blocks, prompting Mojang to allocate funds to tackle the problem.

We will keep you updated on all news related to this initiative. Stay tuned and watch the coral reefs thrive!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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