Tower temples

06:00, 16.03.2018
Tower temples

What material should be chosen for constructing the roofs of temples dedicated to extraterrestrial deities in Minecraft PE? Naturally, diamond! The diamond block will beautifully complement the grandeur of the temple and is perfectly suited for these distant lands. Moreover, diamonds are a highly valuable resource that is difficult to obtain—what could be better?

Additionally, financial constraints were not an issue for our developers who created this project titled “Praise to Power.”
Tower temples
They participated in a large competitive project for Minecraft PE, where they achieved commendable placements. Their chosen theme—Monumental Temple—aligned perfectly with their building concept.

Inspired by various Aztec and Mongolian temples, they began crafting this project, which also incorporated an alien aesthetic. This explains the presence of holograms found throughout the city.
Tower temples
Tower temples
Tower temples
The holograms are positioned in front of the temples, adding something new and modern to the world of Minecraft PE. Each hologram represents a statue of one of the gods. You must see them—they’re simply divine.

However, holograms aren’t the only surprise the developers had in store for us. The planet is truly unique—a land adorned with sparkling crystals, towers sprouting from the ground like heavy concrete mushrooms, and, of course, nighttime illumination shimmering under the night sky. All of this creates a special atmosphere and captivates with its beauty.
Tower temples
The choice of blue was intentional. The creators drew from past experiences in Minecraft PE, where they developed an ocean. Thus, the color of the ocean was utilized in this project, along with meticulous attention to details previously overlooked.
Tower temples
Nonetheless, participation in the competition imposed time constraints. The project was developed over three weeks, and the creators rushed to meet the deadline.
Tower temples
Tower temples
Tower temples
It also helped that both developers were on the same wavelength, allowing for rapid progress on the city’s idea and structure. However, lacking specialized construction skills in Minecraft Pocket Edition, they needed to enlist a group of volunteers to expedite the process.
Tower temples
This example shows us that there are no limits to what can be achieved! Unleash your imagination and create truly brilliant structures and cities in the world of Minecraft PE!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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