In the Minecraft Bedrock Edition, consuming meat will now have negative effects on your character. While in reality it provides essential protein, the creator of the Vegetarian mod has introduced a challenge.
How the Vegetarian Mod Works
Have you decided what to feed your character in Minecraft? You’ll definitely need to start planting crops like wheat, carrots, potatoes, and more. Animal-based food is now lethal—one of the most severe threats in the game. Both raw and cooked meat will inflict damage equally in MCBE.
Game Modes
- Peaceful – does not satisfy hunger or reduce health
- Easy – 5 seconds of “Poison II” effect
- Normal – 15 seconds of poisoning
- Hard – nausea, poison, reduces stamina
- Challenging – eliminates in five seconds
Since the creator of the mod is a “herbivore,” honey will not satisfy hunger in the game, as vegans seldom consume it. Good luck!
А какой режим сложности для вегетарианцов в реальном мире?
Цитата: VoxelА какой режим сложности для вегетарианцов в реальном мире?Для СНГ зимой и весной экономически невыгодный