A serverside utility mod designed to introduce essential commands that enhance the original Minecraft experience, Slashbridge combines the functionality of bridging datapacks and mods.
Introducing Slashbridge
Overview of Features
Slashbridge was created to bridge the gap between player expectations and the limitations of the standard command functionality in Minecraft. Its primary purpose is to offer new command options, with future plans to integrate more serverside features that will complement both my custom datapacks and the creations of other players.
The Entitymotion command allows for precise control over an entity’s movement and velocity. Its subcommands include:
set (vector) – Adjusts the entity’s velocity to a specified vector.
add (vector) – Adds a specified vector to the entity’s current speed.
seek (number) – Directs entities toward another entity or away from it when a negative number is used.
mult (number) – Modifies the current speed of a target by multiplying it with a number.
Movement vectors can be designated in the following formats:world – Movement aligns with in-game coordinates.
local – Movement is based on the direction the target entity is facing.
zx – Movement changes horizontally without impacting vertical motion, where Y remains consistently ‘up’ in the game world, regardless of the entity’s orientation.
Entitystatus enables alterations to an entity’s health, hunger, and absorption levels. Subcommands include:
seek – Facilitates the transfer of these metrics between entities, such as transferring hunger from one entity by deducting health from another.
The other subcommands include +, -, *, /, and =, functioning as standard arithmetic operators.
The Despawn command allows for the removal of entities without the traditional method of killing them, meaning they won’t drop items or experience points. Note that players are currently excluded from this functionality. Subcommands include:
recursive – Removes the targeted entity as well as all entities it is carrying.
single – Only removes the targeted entity.
The After command enables the execution of a command after a specified number of ticks. This can be combined with other commands. For instance, a command like `/execute at @p run after 100 kill` illustrates its functionality.
The During command permits action execution at specific times, whether during the day, night, or within a particular moon phase.
Future Aspirations
Player Animation Commands
While it’s still uncertain how feasible this is, I aspire to allow players to queue animations characteristic of the vanilla game, such as hand swinging or sitting. Whether this can be achieved, especially considering my current skill set, remains to be seen.