Missing the classic Minecraft? The mod “Minecraft Classic! (Classic Minecraft)” brings back all the features from earlier versions!
Many of the mobs currently found in Minecraft Bedrock will be removed. Those that have been around since the beginning will revert to their original settings. Creepers will feature a dark green hue, while Endermen will have green eyes and gain a smoky effect. Villagers will return to their classic textures, although they currently display additional icons that are expected to be removed in the next update.
Alpha Version
The health panel will be removed from the main screen. Additionally, you will no longer have access to view mob health, and any commands related to your character’s health will be eliminated.
In earlier versions of Minecraft, hunger was nonexistent, allowing you to forget about gathering food! Consequently, there weren’t many food items available, or rather, there were none at all except for raw pork.
The Alpha version was truly remarkable. At that time, the game featured numerous intriguing functions whose operations were not always predictable.
To achieve optimal results, adjust these settings:
Installing Minecraft Classic! (.mcpack)
- Download the mod labeled as “.mcpack” from below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the add-on/texture into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
- For your world, enable the imported:
— Resource Packs.
— Add-ons. - Select the imported resource packs/add-ons in each section.
- It is advisable to restart the game client Minecraft PE afterwards.
- Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the add-on!
Я помню, что в старых версиях майнкрафте ходил один слух, что где-то под песком можно было найти губку! Я хочу, чтобы и это добавили в этот мод… А вы знаете, что есть такой мод ( НЕ НА POCKET EDITION ), правая ветвь развития называется. И там много прикольных фишек!) А ещё я немного услышал, что этот мод может выйти на PE!