Want to save a significant amount of time in Minecraft Bedrock while mining for ores and simultaneously alter the landscape? Then the Mine An Entire Chunk modification is definitely for you!
With the Mine An Entire Chunk mod, you’ll gain access to a variety of new tools that enable you to extract blocks in whole chunks. The more powerful your pickaxe, the larger the volume you can mine at once.
How the Mine An Entire Chunk Mod Works
The modification Chunk Mining (Mine An Entire Chunk) introduces the following types of ultimate pickaxes to Minecraft on Android:
- Wooden
- Stone
- Iron
- Diamond
- Netherite
To craft them in Minecraft, you will need compressed resources. Compressed resources are standard blocks created by combining identical blocks on a crafting table in MCBE. Indeed, it will take considerable time to mine for the ultimate diamond and netherite pickaxes. Alternatively, you can add pickaxes from mods via the creative inventory. Be sure to enable experimental settings.
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