Discover a Unique Ore Combination
The Everyore mod introduces an innovative ore to the Minecraft universe: Everyore. When extracted, Everyore can yield items found in various other ores, excluding ancient debris and nether gold. Players can also utilize Silk Touch to mine it, and by combining nine Everyores, you can create the ultimate treasure from the depths: the everyblock.
In addition to Everyore, this mod features three intriguing new structures: the Everyore pedestal, shrine, and altar, which can be found in the overworld, nether, and end dimensions, respectively. Each of these mini-structures contains one Everyore. Furthermore, if you dig beneath the Everyore block, there’s a chance you might uncover a corresponding block associated with each of the three dimensions!
New advancements are part of this mod too, including The Gang’s All Here, which is awarded for possessing an Everyore in your inventory, and Everyore Everywhere All at Once, which you earn by having an everyblock in your inventory.
This compact mod was crafted for enjoyment, and I hope it enriches your gameplay experience!
(Please note: The Everyore and everyblock items do not show up in the creative tab due to an issue with Mcreator’s fabric generator. However, they function perfectly on Forge. My apologies for any inconvenience!)
Created with MCreator (how exciting!)