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Pocket Dimension Overview
The Pocket Dimension takes inspiration from the Spectre Dimension featured in Random Things and offers private Pocket Cells for individual players within a server. Each player can easily access their Pocket Cell from anywhere using a special Pocket Dimension Key, ensuring their items are secure and safe from others.
To return from the Pocket Dimension, simply use the key again, which will transport the player back to their previous location before they entered.
Dimensional Gems
Located deep underground, Dimensional Gems serve as the essential crafting material for all things associated with the Pocket Dimension.
This is just a glimpse of the many features available in this mod. For a complete list of additions, check here!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Will there be a port for version __?
A: If you are playing on version 1.18 or higher, there is a good possibility for a future port. The development team will focus on ports after completing the beta phase, prioritizing the latest and most widely used versions.
Q: Is a port to Fabric being considered?
A: Yes, this is included in our plans, but it will require some time since the mod heavily relies on various Forge features.
Q: Will there be a port for NeoForge?
A: After the beta testing phase is finalized and major bugs are addressed, a NeoForge port will be created.