Eldertide introduces enchanting beings into your Minecraft universe, each endowed with distinct capabilities to assist you on your adventures.
Borin – Your Dwarven Skeleton Ally
- A unique skeleton dwarf that can be tamed, providing support for various mining endeavors.
- Tame Borin by offering diamonds, securing its loyalty.
- Equipped with its own inventory to gather and store valuable resources such as diamonds, emeralds, and other ores.
- Automatically retrieves nearby materials and delivers items to its owner when close by.
- Performs specialized tasks:
- Extracting: Specializes in mining specific locations.
- Illuminating Areas: Places torches to brighten your environment.
- Linear Mining: Efficiently mines in straight lines.
- Cave Explorer: Grants the player the spelunker blessing.
- Features a custom GUI interface when tamed, enabling management of tasks and interactions for dynamic gameplay.
- Automatically teleports to its owner if distance separates them.
- Alternates between “follow” and “wait” modes as required.
- Engages in combat when attacked, complete with attack animations and sound effects.
- Includes fun features like displaying a quirky “left the game” message upon defeat.
- Delivers an immersive auditory experience with distinct ambient sounds, damage effects, and death sounds.
- Incorporates both new and existing sound effects to enrich the overall experience.
Future updates will introduce additional mystical companions, each with their own unique talents to enhance your gameplay experience!
- Ensure you have the appropriate NeoForged version compatible with your Minecraft installation.
- Place the Eldertide-NeoForged file inside the
The mod’s code and binaries are protected under the All Rights Reserved license, meaning it cannot be accessed, modified, or shared without the explicit approval of the original creator.