This mod introduces an exciting integration of Ben 10 into the Minecraft experience, featuring a unique exploration element! If you’re ready to dive in, make sure to install both the mod and the resource pack. To kick off your adventure, simply type /reload.
If you prefer, the data pack is also available as a fabric mod download right on this page!
Check out the trailer for a sneak peek:
= The Omnitrix:
To acquire the Omnitrix, venture out and locate a rare, crashed spaceship. You’ll find the Omnitrix tucked inside; just approach the pod to equip it.
Here are the key features:
- Right-click to access the Omnitrix interface, where you can select which alien to transform into. To exit the interface, simply look down and face directly downward.
- You start with a single random alien. To unlock additional aliens, collect remnant alien DNA, which can be found scattered throughout natural structures. To scan a DNA sample, hold it in your main hand while opening the Omnitrix. Below is a list of all DNA samples and their respective locations:
- Cooled Magma (Heatblast) – Found in Nether Fortresses, Bastion Remnants, and Ruined Portals.
- Living Gem (Diamondhead) – Sourced from Buried Treasure, Strongholds, Woodland Mansions, Ancient Cities, and Mineshafts.
- Beast Hair (Wildmutt) – Collected in Dungeons, Woodland Mansions, Shipwrecks, and Pillager Outposts.
- Foul Mucus (Stinkfly) – Harvested from Dungeons, Strongholds, Shipwrecks, Pillager Outposts, Jungle Pyramids, and Ocean Ruins.
- Nanite Glob (Upgrade) – Located in End Cities and Ancient Cities.
- Aged Visor (XLR8) – Found in End Cities and Woodland Mansions.
- Deep Sea Antenna (Ripjaws) – Gathered from Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins.
- Writhing Tentacle (Ghostfreak) – Discovered in Ancient Cities.
- Tiny Brain (Grey Matter) – Located in Strongholds, End Cities, and Woodland Mansions.
- Awkward Skull (Four Arms) – Found in Strongholds, Woodland Mansions, Ancient Cities, Desert Pyramids, and Jungle Pyramids.
- When you transform into an alien, you’ll have a duration of 5 minutes before reverting back to human form.
- If you’d rather change back to human before the Omnitrix runs out of energy, just look directly down and press shift. Note that this will not work if you mistakenly transformed; there’s a 17% chance of mistransforming each time you choose an alien.
- The Omnitrix takes approximately 3 minutes to recharge during which it is unusable.
- Use right-click to launch small fireballs.
- Hold right-click while sneaking to unleash a fire blast.
- Press sneak while airborne to boost yourself upward.
- You emit light, and contact with water will extinguish you, limiting your abilities. You’ll reignite automatically after a short period or can set yourself on fire to ignite immediately.
- Right-click to shoot crystals from your arm.
- While sneaking and right-clicking, you can create a crystal wall wherever you’re looking.
- Press the offhand button to morph your hand into various tools: a blade, shield, pickaxe, axe, or shovel.
- You benefit from low-tier regeneration.
- Press W and right-click against a wall to climb it; tap sneak to stop climbing.
- While climbing, press sprint to leap toward a target or another wall suitable for climbing.
- Right-click to activate echolocation, revealing entities around you.
- Sneak and right-click to charge a powerful roar that knocks back foes.
- Set your graphics to ‘Fabulous’ for an enhanced visual experience while playing as Wildmutt.
- Wildmutt cannot hold items.
- Right-click to unleash a series of melee attacks.
- Sneak and right-click to create a whirlwind; follow the wind until you gather enough momentum to form the whirlwind.
- Charging into an enemy causes damage.
- Gaining speed will render you virtually invisible to other players.
- You can run on water!
- Climb walls using W and right-click; crouch to cancel.
- Right-click while looking at an unfamiliar item or block to reveal its crafting recipe.
- Earn double experience points for crafting while using Grey Matter.
- Right-click to execute a sonic clap, breaking glass, foliage, and extinguishing fire.
- Sneak and right-click to brace for impact, reducing damage taken.
- Sprint and sneak together to perform a powerful leap.
- Attacking with an empty hand hits twice, once with each arm.
- You possess two offhand slots for enhanced versatility.
- Right-click to shoot slime that slows down enemies and douses fires.
- Look up and hold space to fly (sneak to descend); press sprint while moving forward to accelerate your flight.
- Flight cannot be activated if you are wet.
- Right-click above water for a powerful bite attack.
- Underwater, right-click to propel forward, damaging enemies in your path.
- Outside of water, you’ll receive a hydration effect, indicating how much longer you can survive without water:
- Right-click in humanoid form to emit an optic beam.
- To enter sludge form, look straight down (look up to revert to humanoid); this form allows for easy avoidance of attacks.
- In sludge form, right-click on eligible targets or blocks to enhance them (sneak to unmerge). The modifications include:
- Piston = Increased jumping height and significant knockback.
- Dispenser, Dropper = Rapid energy beams with right click.
- Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker = Launch flames, smelting/cooking items within the blast range.
- Minecart = Fast-moving vehicle; tap sprint to send nearby entities into the cart.
- Boat = Acts as a submarine; tap sprint to draw nearby entities aboard.
- Iron Golem = Defensive automaton; hold right-click to protect yourself from all angles.
- You have mid-tier regeneration unless merged with technology.
- Press right-click to become intangible; control your movement by using W, A, S, and D for your head and the sprint key to float forward.
- Colliding with an entity while intangible allows you to possess them (but you’ll not be able to possess another player). To free yourself, become intangible again and move away from their body.
- Sneak and right-click to reveal yourself, scaring any nearby entities.
- Look up and press space to enable flight (sneak to deactivate).
- Use /function omni-cheats/(cheat) to bypass progression. Available cheat codes include:
- /function omni-cheats/give_omnitrix
- /function omni-cheats/unlock_all_aliens
- /function omni-cheats/give_all_dna
- /function omni-cheats/remove_omnitrix
- /function omni-cheats/disable_mistransformation
- For /function omni-cheats/enable_mistransformation use "/locate omni:omnitrix_ship" to locate the spaceship containing the Omnitrix.
Here’s what the Omnitrix looks like at full power:
And here’s the Omnitrix while it’s recharging:
= Alien Transformations:
Each alien possesses unique abilities, governed by your Bio-Reserves:
This bar depletes as you use abilities but will gradually replenish over time, so keep a watchful eye on it while in alien form.
It’s important to note that all alien abilities require having an empty hand!
Cheat Codes:
For a complete list of skins used in the pack and their creators, check out this link!