Whether you’re constructing a complete house for your character in Minecraft Bedrock or prefer dwelling in caves, it doesn’t matter, as the new decorative items from the mod “BD — BedrockDecor” will enhance the beauty and comfort of any home! Many of the items can be combined with each other.
In Minecraft, you will find:
- Tall bulrush (ornamental plant)
- Fox fur
- Tools
- Oranges
- Apples
- Corn
- Fish
- Salt
- Compass
- Map
- Telescope
- Hanging plants
- And a variety of new shelves
Installing BD — BedrockDecor (.mcpack)
- Download the mod labeled as “.mcpack” below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the add-on/texture into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
- For the world, set the imported:
— Resource Packs.
— Add-on Packs. - Select the imported resource packs/add-ons in each section.
- It is recommended to restart the Minecraft PE client afterward.
- Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the add-on!
Установка BD — BedrockDecor (.zip)
- Download the mod from the link below.
- Extract the two folders from the archive.
- Move the folder titled BD — BedrockDecor to the /games/com.mojang/behavior_packs/ directory.
- Transfer the folder BD — BedrockDecor to the /games/com.mojang/resource_packs/ directory.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition.
- Create a new world or modify an existing one.
- Apply the resource pack and addon that you previously moved to the resource_packs and behavior_packs folders for the selected world.
- All set! Restart Minecraft PE and enjoy your game!