Survival Space Station Map

06:00, 21.10.2020
Survival Space Station Map

Defend your space station from alien invaders on the mapSurvival Space Station” in Minecraft! To enhance your resources and capabilities, you must expand your base and increase its size. Your primary adversary will be the Ender Dragon!

A large, modern space facility.Survival Space Station Map

A lucky box.

Toko’s shop.

The Earth core, space core, and a collection of items.

Survival Space Station Map

Bag Store. Purchase green, blue, and black boards, place them in their designated slots, and uncover the true magic! Build your very own farm in the vastness of Minecraft. Survival Space Station Map Engage in battles against alien creatures and defend your space base! This is what the lobby looks like.

How to Install Survival Space Station Map (.mcworld)

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Survival Space Station (.mcworld)
Download [3.14 Mb] downloads: 35

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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