Star Wars: The Senate Building [Creative] Map

07:00, 15.06.2020
Star Wars: The Senate Building [Creative] Map

Experience the grandeur of the Senate building, surrounded by magnificent statues, with the maps for Star Wars: The Senate Building in Minecraft Bedrock!

The Senate structure, featured in Episodes I, II, and III of Star Wars, has been recreated at a full scale of 1:1! This iconic location was the scene of the epic confrontation between Yoda and the Dark Lord!

The Great Assembly Chamber

Nothing is more iconic and grand than the great assembly chamber. It has a capacity of 1024 seats, and rest assured, in Minecraft, there are exactly that many spots available!Star Wars: The Senate Building [Creative] Map  

Interior of the Senate Building

Palpatine’s Office

Throughout the galaxy, you won’t find a better place for crafting villainous schemes. Gather an army and assist Master Yoda in opposing the Dark Lord. May the Force be with you!

Star Wars: The Senate Building [Creative] Map

Guard Statues of the Senate

The majestic guard statues that protect the Senate building greet every visitor eager to explore this site.Star Wars: The Senate Building [Creative] Map  

Installing the Star Wars: The Senate Building Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map marked as .mcworld from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.

Installing the Star Wars: The Senate Building Map (.zip):

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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