SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map

06:00, 03.09.2019
SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map

MapSkyBlock Extreme v2 (Extreme SkyBlock 2)” is the second installment in the map series for Minecraft. Do you possess the essential skills and knowledge for survival? Will you be able to defeat the Ender Dragon with just a single block of dirt and one block of wood?

With the help of additional mods, the creators of maps have managed to introduce new crafting recipes and blocks. Since there is hardly anything on the tiny island, players need to find alternative ways to gather food, materials, and blocks. You can craft diamonds and other items shown in the image below. Additionally, the recipe for crafting mud blocks has been modified.SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map

SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map

Rural Inhabitants Have Arrived on the Map!

You can encounter the Wandering Trader and purchase a spawn egg from him, which costs two diamonds. This egg will eventually hatch into a villager. By acquiring multiple eggs, you can establish an entire village in Minecraft. However, be cautious; buying an egg from the Trader is quite rare, so always inquire about the availability of this unique item.

How to Create Mud?

There are two methods for creating mud.

First, create compost and fill it with saplings. The second method involves defeating skeletons. In both scenarios, you will obtain bone meal, which is used in crafting mud.SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map

Using the mud, you can craft cobblestone. From cobblestone, you can make gravel, which in turn can yield an iron nugget or flint.

The iron nugget can be transformed into iron ingots, which can then be combined with lapis lazuli and diamonds. The final step in this process leads to the End portal.

By crafting sugar cane, you can create an enchanting table that will assist you in defeating the Ender Dragon.

Steps to create lava:SkyBlock Extreme v2 Map 

First, craft a furnace and smelt cobblestone into stone. Then, place the resulting stone back into the furnace to obtain smooth stone. Next, combine compressed cobblestones as illustrated above. Finally, melt everything down to produce lava. You will also need to make a bucket.

Steps to create water:

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту SkyBlock Extreme v2 (.mcworld)
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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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