Sky Heights Map

11:38, 29.05.2023
Sky Heights Map

Download the custom map titled Sky Heights (SKY HEIGHTS) to enhance your parkour skills in Minecraft Pocket Edition!
The intriguing Sky Heights (SKY HEIGHTS) map will provide you with a wide range of emotions as you navigate through the blocky world of Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This map is suitable for both beginners and more seasoned players.

Features of the SKY HEIGHTS Map

Превью карты | Карта Небесные высоты	Превью карты | Карта Небесные высоты

The user environment in Minecraft is made up of small platforms that are situated high above the ground. A single step to the side can send you back to a checkpoint. Speaking of which, these checkpoints are scattered throughout the mini-game in Minecraft Pocket Edition, and they can be found at the ends of each level.

Превью карты | Карта Небесные высоты

You can expect around ten stages of varying difficulty in Minecraft. Additionally, the creator of this map incorporated various blocks into the game, some of which possess unique properties. Enjoy your adventure!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Parkour, 1.19 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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