Rube Goldberg World is a map inspired by the inventions of Rube Goldberg. These whimsical contraptions typically consist of various gadgets designed to accomplish very simple tasks (like this automatic Spinoch).
The Rube Goldberg World map was created to showcase the capabilities and potential of the new version of the game — Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15. This update, known as the Friendly Update, introduced all the missing components for mechanisms in MCPE. Now, the only limit to creating devices in the MCPE world is your imagination!
All maps from Mojang are fantastic, so we also recommend checking out these maps from the company:
How to Install the Rube Goldberg World Map:
- Download the map.
- Extract the map from the archive.
- Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
- Open Minecraft PE → Play → Select the installed map.
- Have fun playing!