Parkour with Mobs Map

12:02, 28.09.2022
Parkour with Mobs Map

In Minecraft for Android, there are various types of parkour. The creator of the Parkour with Mobs map has implemented a unique twist by incorporating different creatures into the mini-game. They won’t be pleased to see you!

How to Play on the Parkour with Mobs Map

Монстры | Карта Паркур с мобами

This is a standard parkour challenge. This means you need to navigate from point “A” in Minecraft PE to point “B” without getting stuck or falling. To make things even more difficult, monsters are strategically placed by the creator near almost every block. It’s truly a tough test – arrows and fireballs fly through MCPE at quite a rapid pace.

Монстры | Карта Паркур с мобами

You will encounter a total of ten levels featuring diverse configurations and arrangements of blocks. The map is designed for Minecraft Pocket Edition for a single player.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Parkour with Mobs (.zip) [Обязательно!]

Скачать Parkour with Mobs
Download [518.91 Kb] downloads: 26

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.19 ОS: Android

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