Parkour Craft Map

10:01, 03.12.2021
Parkour Craft Map

The mini-game Parkour Craft offers a vast collection of parkour levels within Minecraft for Android. As players progress from one level to the next on the map, they will encounter increasingly engaging challenges with rising difficulty.

Features of the Parkour Craft Map

This map operates in two cycles in Minecraft – day and night. The creator of Parkour Craft has ensured that nighttime in MCBE is not overly dark. Each “box” features lighting, making it easier to navigate through the levels.

Сетка уровней ночью | Карта Паркур крафт

Сетка уровней днем | Карта Паркур крафт

The total number of levels, similar to any parkour map, is exactly one hundred stages that are completed sequentially in MCPE. This map is ideal for both single-player and multiplayer gameplay.

Блоки руды | Карта Паркур крафт

Update 1.0.1

  • Minor bugs have been fixed
  • Added compatibility with version 1.17.30

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Parkour Craft (.mcworld)

Скачать Parkour Craft
Download [777.32 Kb] downloads: 16

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17 ОS: Android

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