Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

07:00, 24.02.2019
Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

Discover the amazing command block system of the island mansion on the mapModern Island Mansion,” featured on MCPEDL. With its own helipad, guest house, beach, and much more, this is the perfect map for role-playing and exploration in Minecraft.

Welcome Aquarium: This is where you will spawn upon entering the map and if you die during gameplay. Featuring a functional airlock door control block, you can use this part of the map to explore the ocean without drowning.
Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

Harbor: Dock your yacht and boat here after a day spent exploring the ocean in Minecraft Bedrock. There’s direct access to the main house and the area where you will respawn after leaving the welcome lobby.
Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

Guest House: The only furnished section of this map. Relax as a guest away from the main house with your own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and dining area—all overlooking the sea. It features redstone lighting, a shower operated by command blocks, a working kitchen, and a fireplace made with command blocks.
Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

Main House: This is the largest part of the map. With five above-ground bedrooms, three formal reception areas, a library, kitchen, dining room, two cozy living rooms, eight bathrooms, and four relaxation spots, you’ll be spoiled for choice while residing here. However, the best feature of this house lies underground. Explore: a cinema; indoor pool; bowling alley; bar; gym; bunker; offices; server room; command center; private farm; additional guest bedrooms; refrigerator storage; warehouse spaces; and two underwater bays.
Modern Island Mansion [Redstone] Map

Bonus: Try to find the hidden entrance between the guest house and the main house, which is made of grass and iron blocks.

Installing the Modern Island Mansion Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled — “.mcworld” below.
  • Run the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Modern Island Mansion (.mcworld)
Download [77.96 Mb] downloads: 8

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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