Mined Prison: Secret Service Map (Story 3)

15:26, 24.12.2015
Mined Prison: Secret Service Map (Story 3)

Mined Prison is a popular series of adventure maps, where each installment finds you trapped in a prison, and your goal is to escape. In the previous episode, you managed to evade the clutches of the nefarious scientist-experimenter, Dr. Hanks. Even when you found yourself stuck in a filthy cave beneath the prison, you will still encounter Dr. Hanks – it promises to be quite an intense experience.Mined Prison: Secret Service Map (Plot 3)


In the last chapter, you and Drake were imprisoned but successfully escaped from Dr. Hanks’ captivity. You stumbled upon a dreadful abandoned cave within the prison. It was here that you set up a small camp for conducting some research.

Recently, you discovered the ruins of an old prison, long forgotten after the establishment of a new one (which, by the way, wasn’t widely recognized as the new legitimate prison).


  • Do not break blocks (except clay)
  • Do not place blocks.
  • Collect any emeralds you find.

Mined Prison: Secret Service Map (Plot 3)
Mined Prison: Secret Service Map (Plot 3)

How to Install Mined Prison: Secret Service Map:

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Open Minecraft PE → Play → Select the installed map.
  • Enjoy your game!

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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