Mega Castle (Creative) Map 0.14.0

15:36, 19.03.2017
Mega Castle (Creative) Map 0.14.0

Originally, this map was created for Minecraft version 0.14.0 with a medieval theme in mind. It doesn’t contain an extensive amount of features, as the creator left it relatively open-ended, allowing players to add their own elements in MCPE.
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
One notable feature is the large and stunning castle present on the map. Outside its walls, you will discover an old catapult, along with a TNT cannon that the author designed themselves—definitely something fun to experiment with.
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
The most exciting aspect of this map for Minecraft PE is the presence of large roller coasters, which may seem unusual but are incredibly entertaining!
With this in mind, feel free to alter the overall appearance and ambiance as you wish, so unleash your creativity!
Additionally, check out some screenshots from the Mega Castle map for MCPE 0.14.0 by Kostyan:
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0
Map Mega Castle (Creative) 0.14.0

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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