Map: Olymcraft [Minigame]

03:21, 02.11.2016
Map: Olymcraft [Minigame]

On the Olymcraft map, you can find 9 unique mini-games to enjoy with your friends. Many of these games are inspired by events from the Olympic Games, such as javelin throwing, archery, and other well-known competitions. The gameplay on this map can last at least 30 minutes, depending on how many players join in.

Archery: Grab a bow and some arrows from the chest. Take turns shooting at the target and keep track of your scores.
Olymcraft Map [Mini-game]

Boat Racing: Choose a boat and pull the lever to start the race.
Olymcraft Map [Mini-game]

Javelin Throwing: Take a bow and some arrows from your chest. Here, you’ll need to demonstrate your shooting skills by aiming for a horizontal target.Olymcraft Map [Mini-game]

Horse Racing: Mount a horse and try to complete the obstacle course as quickly as possible.
Olymcraft Map [Mini-game]

100m Sprint: Run as fast as you can.
Olymcraft Map [Mini-game]

In addition to these mini-games, there are several more exciting activities on the map that we have left for you to discover!

How to Install the Olymcraft Map:

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Open Minecraft PE → Play → Select the installed map.
  • Have fun playing!

Скачать карту Olymcraft (.MCWorld)
Download [288.57 Kb] downloads: 5
Скачать карту Olymcraft
Download [334.24 Kb] downloads: 2

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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