Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

06:30, 06.06.2019
Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

The mapEggWars (Egg Wars)” is a popular mini-game where your objective is to protect your “egg,” which allows you to respawn after being eliminated in Minecraft. If your egg gets destroyed, you’ll lose the ability to come back to life.

The game requires at least 2 players to start, and it’s important to note that this map for Minecraft Bedrock features custom trades with villagers.

Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

Map: EggWars (Egg Wars) [PvP] [Minigame]

Installing the EggWars Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from the options below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту EggWars (.mcworld)
Download [1,017.59 Kb] downloads: 16

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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