Map: 256 Parkour Race

07:00, 18.08.2020
Map: 256 Parkour Race

Looking to host a parkour competition with your friends in Minecraft? The map “256 Parkour Race” offers the perfect setting for multiplayer races! Navigate through obstacles, leap over chasms, and travel between different biomes as you tackle challenges across three dimensions!

If there are many Minecraft players waiting for their turn to compete, they can enjoy mini-games in the lobby: archery, short parkour courses, and more.

Completing a single level takes between 5 to 15 minutes. The ideal number of players is between three and five. If more participants join, it may lead to glitches.Map: 256 Parkour Race Map: 256 Parkour Race Map: 256 Parkour Race  

How to Install the 256 Parkour Race Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту 256 Parkour Race (.mcworld)
Download [267.08 Kb] downloads: 10

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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