Lonely Block Map

09:04, 01.09.2024
Lonely Block Map

Download the One Block Sky Island map if you’re looking for a bit of challenge in Minecraft. The One Block Sky Island is a custom map that falls under the “Skyblock” genre. Naturally, the creator has added various features to enhance the gameplay experience in Minecraft PE.

What to Expect on the One Block Sky Island Map

This map can be described as both easy and challenging. You will begin your survival journey on a solitary block high above the ground, surrounded by numerous floating islands. Your initial task is to figure out how to reach these islands, setting the stage for truly engaging gameplay.

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Islands in Minecraft PE are diverse – they serve as miniature versions of vanilla biomes and structures. As is typical for this genre, the world features the following characteristics:

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  • Initial resources
  • The total amount of resources is limited
  • There are few mobs and monsters
  • Villages can be found

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To complete this map in Minecraft Bedrock, you must defeat three bosses: the Guardian, the Wither, and the Dragon. Enjoy your survival!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Survival, 1.21 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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