Lanesville Map

11:58, 06.01.2022
Lanesville Map

Indeed, LanceVille is expansive, but you’ve probably encountered larger city maps in Minecraft on Android. However, it’s clear that the creator invested a significant amount of time crafting this within the game.

Features of the LanceVille Map

Нефтеплатформа | Карта Лансвилль

Сквер | Карта Лансвилль

Almost every structure in the LanceVille map is unique. In Minecraft, you won’t find two identical buildings. Additionally, there are plenty of fascinating locations to explore – from supermarkets and skyscrapers in Minecraft Bedrock to a vast port filled with cargo ships and oil rigs. The latest update for the map introduced a new district along with several islands.

Торговый центр | Карта Лансвилль

Город ночью | Карта Лансвилль

Оживленная улица | Карта Лансвилль

Удачной игры!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту LanceVille (.mcworld) [Обязательно!]

Скачать LanceVille
Download [35.78 Mb] downloads: 33

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Creative, 1.16 ОS: Android

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