Just Cool Parkour Map

08:10, 24.03.2024
Just Cool Parkour Map

Hone your jumping skills on the custom map Just Cool for Minecraft Bedrock Edition!
Sometimes, survival or creative mode can become tiresome in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. If you find yourself feeling this way, be sure to check out the Just Cool map! Its design will surely delight you.

Features of the Just Cool Map

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As the creator of the map noted, this is merely a demo of a user-generated world for Minecraft, which is still in development. This is noteworthy given that the map features fifteen distinct parkour levels that are separated from one another.

Превью карты | Карта Просто крутой паркур

A distinctive feature of this map is that players are unlikely to cheat in Minecraft. The platforms are made up of hay blocks, which, as you may know, hardly allow anything to stick in MCPE. This map is compatible with version 1.20.10 or later.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Parkour, 1.20 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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