Halloween Pumpkin Challenge

11:34, 27.10.2015
Halloween Pumpkin Challenge

Halloween Pumpkin Challenge Map is a mini-game where your objective is to collect ten pumpkins and place them in front of ten different houses. You will have ten minutes to complete this task, and moving quickly is essential to finish the challenge. In addition to the time constraint, you’ll face another obstacle – monsters that will try to slow you down by attacking, and if they succeed, it could lead to game over! However, you will be equipped with a sword to fend off these creatures, significantly reducing the chances of being defeated by them!

How to Play?

Upon entering the map, a message will appear allowing you to read the instructions. Go to the chat and type the command /start to initiate the challenge, but make sure you’ve set the difficulty level to maximum beforehand.

The time will shift to night, and you will be transported to a church. Locate a chest within the church and gather all the items from it.Halloween Pumpkin Challenge Map

Find all ten houses and place a pumpkin on the wool block in front of each one. You have ten minutes to complete the challenge.Halloween Pumpkin Challenge Map
Halloween Pumpkin Challenge Map

Installing the Halloween Pumpkin Challenge Map:

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Additionally, install BlockLauncher along with the extracted Halloween 2015.js file.
  • Open Minecraft PE → Play → Select the installed map.
  • Enjoy your game!

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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