Glass Bridge map from The Squid Game

11:14, 03.12.2021
Glass Bridge map from The Squid Game

The Glass Bridge from Squid Game is undoubtedly one of the most unforgettable scenes in the series. In this map, the creator has brought to life all the same surprises with fragile glass in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

How to play on the Squid Game Glass Bridge map

Зрительские места | Мод Стеклянный мост из Игры в кальмара

Just like in the series, in Minecraft, you need to traverse from one end to the other. However, on the Glass Bridge map from Squid Game, there’s a chance to cheat – but only once. If you’re uncertain, use the fishing rod in your inventory and throw it out.

Лобби | Мод Стеклянный мост из Игры в кальмара

Additionally, the creator of the maps has spared us by designing a shorter distance in MCBE, unlike what is seen in the series. The setup includes three areas: a lobby, the bridge itself, and a spectator room. Among the available skins and mods, you are sure to find something suitable for Squid Game.

Мост | Мод Стеклянный мост из Игры в кальмара

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Squid Game Glass Bridge (.mcworld) [Обязательно!]

Скачать Squid Game Glass Bridge
Download [118.02 Kb] downloads: 293

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games, 1.17 ОS: Android

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