Card 10 Smart Redstone Creations

20:53, 01.02.2016
Card 10 Smart Redstone Creations

10 Ingenious Redstone Creations – this map features ten clever redstone inventions. Each machine built on this map is extremely useful and essential in various situations. You will have an amazing opportunity to visit a “museum” of incredible Redstone devices. You’ll encounter machines that simplify certain processes in Minecraft PE!

The map includes items that were introduced for the first time in Minecraft Pocket Edition starting from version 0.14.0. Therefore, there are restrictions, with a minimum requirement of MCPE 0.14.0.

How do the machines work?

The automatic Nether portal contains two buttons (open/close). Press one of the buttons to open or close the portal to the Nether.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

The trash bin can be used to dispose of items you no longer need. Simply place unwanted items into the chest, and they will be removed.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

Place a sign as your door, then use levers to input a secret code to unlock it.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

An automated farm allows you to harvest your crops more efficiently. For example, if you’re growing wheat, just wait until it’s ready, then press a button to collect it. The harvested wheat will be stored in a chest.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

The steak cooking machine has two buttons. The top button spawns cows, while the second button cooks delicious, juicy steaks from those cows.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

You can open a secret door by throwing an item onto a red flower (poppy). As long as the item remains on the flower, the door will stay open for a short period.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

Watch SethBling’s video to see how it works.

We haven’t quite figured out how to use this machine ourselves. If you manage to understand what it does, please let us know (leave a comment).Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

Make sure you’re wearing armor before entering the wardrobe ^_^Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

Change the lever’s position to start the sunflower duplication process.Map 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations

Installing the 10 Ingenious Redstone Creations Map:

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Open Minecraft PE → Play → Select the installed map.
  • Enjoy your game!

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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