Biome Find the Button Map

06:00, 14.06.2020
Biome Find the Button Map

The mapBiome Find the Button” features four distinct levels, each divided into three stages. The objective remains consistent with other button-finding games in Minecraft: to locate a button concealed behind various mechanisms and items. You cannot advance to the next level without completing the current one.

Each level is themed around a specific biome from Minecraft:

  • Grassy plains
  • Creeper cave
  • Arid desert
  • The Nether
  • And a secret level

Biome Find the Button Map  Biome Find the Button Map  Biome Find the Button Map

Installing the Biome Find the Button Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map marked as «.mcworld» from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Biome Find the Button (.mcworld)
Download [139.22 Kb] downloads: 3

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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