Base Wars Map

07:00, 19.06.2020
Base Wars Map

In the map titled “Base Wars“, players of Minecraft are divided into two teams, each occupying their own base. The objective for the players is not to eliminate their opponents but to demolish their bases instead. To assist them, there are over 3400 pieces of TNT, 256 repeaters, and 250 redstone blocks available, and it’s likely that the game will conclude before you exhaust all these resources.

The teams can consist of 1 to 4 players. Using all the materials provided, they must construct cannons powerful enough to outmaneuver their rivals and destroy their base as quickly as possible.

You also have an endless supply of water and obsidian, which can be utilized to safeguard your cannons. Once all opponent blocks are destroyed, except for the obsidian, your team emerges victorious.

By clicking the button shown in the image below, you will receive currency. Each click grants you one gold coin. Once you collect 64 coins, you can exchange them for a diamond, which can be traded for nearly anything you require, but only in a single quantity.Base Wars Map After gathering 64 gold coins, press the button depicted below. If you attempt this with fewer than 64 coins, you will not receive anything in return.Base Wars Map With a diamond, you can purchase items such as bows for your entire team, individual arrows, anvils, snowballs, fire charges, and more.

If you wish to speed up the gameplay, you can skip certain stages by pressing the “deathmatch” button for 5 diamonds. This will teleport all players to a 50×50 arena with all their available gear.


Next to the “deathmatch” button is an option to purchase iron equipment: 4 pairs of pants, 4 boots, 4 helmets, 4 chest plates, and 4 iron swords for each player. Equipping this gear provides your team with a significant advantage over unprotected foes.


The cost for acquiring 4 sets of iron armor is 3 diamonds. Additionally, you can obtain diamond armor (most likely just a sword) by crafting diamonds. This will certainly give you an even greater edge.

The video showcases a gaming area of the map in Minecraft.

Installing the Base Wars Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from the list below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Base Wars (.mcworld)
Download [79.88 Kb] downloads: 3

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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