Skeleton [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

09:22, 07.09.2016
Skeleton [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will provide information on skeletons in Minecraft PE

Skeletons are classified as hostile mobs (they attack players if they come within their line of sight).

Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]
Skeletons are hostile mobs that engage from a distance. They wield a bow and arrows (the arrows shot by skeletons cannot be picked up). Similar to zombies (previously discussed in the guide – Zombie [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]), skeletons perish under sunlight.

By default, as mentioned earlier, skeletons attack with a bow, but if they pick up a sword, they will switch to using it. Skeletons spawn with bows, but there’s a chance that the bow may be enchanted, and the skeleton could be wearing armor.
Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

Using a bow against a skeleton is ideal, but if you don’t have one, you’ll need to strategize. Charging directly at a skeleton isn’t advisable, as it can easily push you back with an arrow; instead, try to circle around it so that it misses while you gradually close the distance.
Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

You can also find a skeleton spawner in abandoned caves. Initially, it’s wise to block its light source. From skeletons, you can obtain arrows, bones, and occasionally a bow. However, when a skeleton is killed not by a player, the bow will not drop 100% of the time.
Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

Skeletons can also spawn as riders. (This is briefly covered in another guide – Skeleton Horse [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE])
Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

  • Explosion potions of damage heal the skeleton, while explosion potions of healing inflict damage on it.
  • In the pocket edition, skeletons are less accurate.
  • A skeleton with a sword moves faster than a skeleton with a bow.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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