Octopus [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

10:39, 02.09.2016
Octopus [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will provide information on squids in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

Squids are classified as friendly mobs (they do not attack players even if provoked).

Squid [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]
Squids are friendly mobs that spawn and live in water at sufficient depths. They often appear in groups of several individuals (ranging from 2 to 5). The only purpose of squids is to yield ink sacs (black dye).

Now, let’s delve deeper into the spawning process. Squids spawn in water at depths ranging from 45 blocks down to sea level (typically around 63), appearing both in source blocks and flowing water. A squid can theoretically spawn in a pool measuring 1x1x1 block, although this occurrence is extremely rare. Light levels do not affect spawning. A crucial requirement is having a transparent block directly above the chosen water block for spawning—such as another water block, air, glass, ice, etc. Squids will not spawn in a one-block deep pool covered by stone.
Squid [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

Here are some interesting facts:

  • It is impossible to catch a squid with a fishing rod and pull it out of the water.
  • They have 8 tentacles.
  • When damaged, a squid may rise or sink by 1/3 to 1/2 of a block’s height.
  • Upon death, they do not fall over but continue to “swim” for about a second before disappearing.
  • Quietly drifting in a boat or simply being nearby allows you to hear the sounds of squids touching the bottom.
  • Despite having a large toothy mouth, they do not attack players.
  • They can sometimes be found in underground lakes.
  • Squids and bats are the only friendly mobs that cannot breed.
  • The pocket edition features an exclusive baby squid.
  • If struck in the pocket edition, a squid will release ink at the player.
Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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