How to tame a horse in Minecraft PE?

23:12, 03.06.2016
How to tame a horse in Minecraft PE?

From version Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0, new animals have appeared in the game: horses. Several types of horses were introduced, including regular, skeleton horse, and zombie horse. Additionally, Minecraft PE now features Donkeys and Mules.

Players familiar with the PC version of Minecraft know that you can ride horses. But how do you do it? How can you tame a horse? There are more questions than answers! That’s why we will explain in detail how to tame a horse and ride it.

Start by looking for horses. If you’re playing in creative mode, you can spawn them yourself. It’s best to find a young horse and raise it.How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft PE?
How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft PE?

Horses grow quite quickly; just feed them. You can feed horses with sugar, wheat, red apples, golden apples, or golden carrots.

The highest chance of taming is provided by a golden apple — 10%. A golden carrot gives a 5% chance of taming. All other food items provide a 3% chance.

Once you’ve tamed a horse, you can mount it. Tap on the horse — if it rears up, unfortunately, you haven’t tamed it yet. Look for another horse. However, if you manage to get on the horse, tapping on it will bring up an “Open” button. This allows you to access the horse’s interface, where you can equip it with a saddle and armor. How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft PE?

Unfortunately, not all horse types can wear armor. Horses that cannot wear armor will lack the corresponding slot for horse armor.

For horses that can wear armor, there will be a designated slot in the interface.How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft PE?

After fully saddling your horse — equipping it with a saddle (armor is optional) — you can ride it and control its movements. Controlling a horse is straightforward. Use the character movement buttons to navigate while riding.

To perform a super jump with the horse, press the jump button for 0.5-1.2 seconds, then release it to make the horse leap. A special bar above the hotbar indicates the jump power.How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft PE?


Saddles can be found in chests located in fortresses, abandoned mineshafts, nether fortresses, desert temples, jungle temples, and in NPC villages within the blacksmith’s house chest.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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