Exclusive features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]

08:52, 12.09.2016
Exclusive features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]

The game Minecraft enjoys significant popularity, as it is available on both personal computers and mobile devices. The Minecraft: Pocket Edition for mobile devices features unique elements that I will outline below.

World Generation:

  • The color of the swamp water has been slightly altered.
  • In villagers’ settlements, some tables generate a carpet instead of a pressure plate.
  • Only MCPE includes fallen trees.
  • Far Lands are generated at a distance of 12,550,800 blocks from spawn. (A guide has previously been written – Far Lands [Minecraft PE Guides])
  • Giant mushrooms can reach heights of 13 blocks.

Exclusive Features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]
Exclusive Features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]


  • The enchanting table emits light.
  • Sugar cane can be grown using bone meal.
  • Pumpkins and melons appear more frequently.
  • The observer sends a redstone signal when the block it faces changes.

Exclusive Features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]


  • Puppies can spawn naturally.
  • Chickens can also spawn naturally.
  • There is a 1% chance of a skeleton rider spawning on a cave spider.

Exclusive Features of MCPE [Minecraft PE Guides]

All these features are among the most understandable and interesting to players. There are additional features, but I believe they may not pique your interest.

Enjoy your gaming!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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