Door on sticky pistons [Minecraft PE Guides]

07:30, 23.08.2016
Door on sticky pistons [Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for enthusiasts of mechanisms. Here, I will explain how to create a hidden door in the wall in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build concealed doors within walls. By the end, we will achieve the following:
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]

So, what do we need?

  • 4 stone pressure plates
  • 4 sticky pistons
  • Redstone
  • 6 repeaters
  • 2 red torches
  • Solid blocks

Let’s start with the framework and foundation:
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]

Next, place redstone under the pressure plates, connecting it to our sticky pistons as shown in the screenshots:
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]

The repeaters are necessary so that when you step off the pressure plates, the doors close after a delay. You can increase this delay if desired.

Now connect the redstone beneath the passage to the pressure plates on the other side of the door:
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]

Next, conceal the mechanism behind the walls.
Now, let’s check:
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]
Sticky Piston Door [Minecraft PE Guides]

A downside of this mechanism is its large size. I believe a more compact version will be available in a future guide!

Happy gaming!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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