Minecraft 1.6.1 (Full version)

16:47, 18.04.2013
Minecraft 1.6.1 (Full version)

With the release of the new Minecraft version 1.6.1 for Android, an alpha version of the server for Windows and Linux has been introduced, which can be downloaded from the official website. Additionally, this new version allows players to set up their own servers and enjoy gameplay with friends as usual. Here’s a brief list of changes…

Changes in Minecraft 1.6.1 for Android


Minecraft 1.6.1 (Full version)

In the newly added features of Minecraft Bedrock 1.6.1, there is now a button to clear data if logging into a Microsoft account on Nintendo Switch fails.


    • Phantoms in Minecraft 1.6.1 on Android are once again detecting and attacking players.
    • Block rendering issues have been fixed in the latest version.
    • Performance improvements for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.6.1 on iOS have been made.
  • Several fixes to reduce lag in multiplayer games and Realms

Updated templates for Minecraft 1.6.1 with new assets and behaviors can be downloaded from minecraft.net/addons, including fixes for phantom behavior!

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.6, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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