Minecraft [Full version]

01:26, 20.10.2017
Minecraft [Full version]

Once again, the developers have not kept us waiting long and have released Minecraft 1.2.3 for Android. It turns out that this version will be available for other devices (running iOS, Windows, Xbox) a bit later. Therefore, owners of Android phones and tablets can be the first to experience Minecraft PE

Changelog for Minecraft Beta Build 1

  • As usual, the new version of Minecraft has fixed game crashes: during chunk loading, while displaying the crafting screen, when using a piston after passing through a portal, when encountering an iron golem in a transformed world, and when using the “/fill” command.
  • Fixed the duplication issue with shulker boxes.
  • Fire resistance now consistently protects players in Minecraft 1.2.3 on Android.
  • Players can no longer be attacked by mobs if they have not yet spawned in the world.
  • Addressed transparency issues with certain skins.
  • Resolved bugs related to player flying in MCPE.
  • Minor change: servers will no longer appear on the “Friends” tab.
  • Heavy blocks no longer break when falling on leaves in version 1.2.3 Build 1!
  • When dying, sheep will no longer make two sounds…
  • Fixed the color of leaves that have snow on them.
  • In Minecraft 1.2.3, the chat no longer freezes!
  • Wooden household items (doors, fishing rods, ladders, buttons) can now be used to fill cauldrons.
  • Elytra Wings will now simply be referred to as Elytra.
  • Players with fire resistance will now take damage from lightning strikes.

Additionally, several interface-related issues have been resolved, crafting works correctly, and there are no unnecessary highlights or incorrect tips. Clearly, the list of fixes for Minecraft 1.2.3 for Android will continue to grow, so stay tuned for updates!

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.2.3 на Андроид [Полная версия]

Актуальная версия
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Скачать Minecraft для (Android) Beta Build 1

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.2, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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