Minecraft 1.18 (Full version)

19:29, 30.11.2021
Minecraft 1.18 (Full version)

The second part of the Caves & Cliffs Update, Minecraft 1.18, has been a true revelation for players, prompting many to quickly download it on Android. This update brings an extensive list of fixes, but the real highlight is the content we’ve all been eagerly anticipating!

Locations and Blocks in Minecraft 1.18

First and foremost, world generation has improved in MCBE:

  • Caves can now be found at depths of up to -50
  • All underground formations consist of multiple layers – stone and slate
  • Ore generation has become better, more uniform, and more interesting
  • In deep caves, dirt, diorite, and andesite blocks are less common, while granite is nearly impossible to find

The developers have added more variety:

  • New fissures have appeared – very deep yet narrow canyons
  • In Minecraft PE, the previous locations have also been updated to be compatible with the new cave systems.
  • The developers have included the generation of biomes, aquifers, and various bodies of water even at negative elevations, where water is replaced by lava.
  • You can discover vast lava lakes.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.18.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update part 2

After the update, the most stunning caves in the game will be the karst and lush caves. The blocks have been in the game for quite some time, but the generation of this natural wonder was not available. The karst caves are designed using three types of dripstone blocks:

  • Stalagmite
  • Stalactite
  • Dripstone

Falling onto stalagmites will cause damage to the player. Similarly, if a stalactite falls on the character, it could be lethal, depending on the health level. If you decide to download Minecraft 1.18 for Android, you can get the full version for free from our website. After installation, you’ll be able to collect lava or water from the ceiling formations—just place a cauldron underneath.

  • Moss
  • Azaleas
  • Vines
  • Roots
  • Leafy Blocks
  • Spore Blossoms
  • Glowing Berries

Archaeology in Minecraft 1.18

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.18.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update part 2

After the release of Minecraft PE, players will encounter the Dark Depths. This area is home to a formidable creature known as the Guardian. Here are its characteristics:

  • Can detect players even when they are invisible
  • A large and imposing, highly aggressive mob
  • Responds to sounds and vibrations
  • Has no vision
  • Deals up to 30 points of damage
  • HP pool is 80

This blind mob is sensitive to even the slightest noise. It can be distracted with various items, but using chicken eggs, slime, or snowballs is most effective. It will attack anyone it detects. This biome will delight those looking to download Minecraft 1.18.0 on their mobile devices, as it introduces several new blocks that can be utilized in creating mechanisms:

  • Standard Sculk Block – features simply animated textures
  • The scalke trap is easily identifiable by its vertical pattern
  • Scalke veins serve as signal conductors
  • Scalk sensors enable the mechanism to respond to vibrations

Additionally, you can obtain a special Horn from the Mountain Goats. Blow into it, and you’ll hear the sound signaling the start of a raid! It drops from goats that ram their horns into hard surfaces, but it doesn’t happen every time, so be patient. And don’t forget to explore the updated mountains in Minecraft on your tablet!

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.18.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update part 2

The Cave Update was officially released in Russian last year, and you can still download Minecraft 1.18.0 for free from us and obtain a verified file. The “Planet” hosts a complete archive of all betas and releases, so be sure to subscribe to site updates to stay informed and gain access to the finest mods and maps. Enjoy your gaming!

Полная версия Майнкрафт 1.18

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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