Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

18:03, 19.11.2015
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Here comes the release Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 in which we can see many new, simply amazing innovations that pleasantly surprise. The developers of the Mojang company, they are also Minecraft Pocket Edition have previously repeatedly left cryptic messages on their Twitter pages about the release of a new version of the game Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 is just around the corner! And then, unexpectedly, on November 2, Daniel Wastenhoff wrote a tweet saying: “how about a beta?” – this intrigued everyone who read it!? And in just a couple of hours we had the new Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 on our devices, in which we could see new cool innovations – well, this is, of course, redstone and everything connected with it, this is what was all the interest (for most players)!

But as we know, the long-awaited game update does not just come “empty-handed” in our case, it is with redstone and the mechanisms associated with it. In addition to new items: red torch, pressure plates, lever, lamp and more, we also have many other, no less interesting and exciting changes in the version of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0.

Now from version Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 there will be seven types of doors, and in version Minecraft PE 0.13.0 6 new door types have been added:

  • Oak door (standard)
  • Spruce door
  • Birch door
  • Jungle door
  • Acacia door
  • Dark oak door
  • Iron door

Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0Each door has its own crafting recipe, which differ only in the type of wood, and if you live in the jungle and you need a regular door, then without oak wood you will not make the old door that has been unchanged for so long in Minecraft PE.

Now with the new set of doors you can beautifully decorate the entrance of your home or interior rooms. All doors are perfectly adapted to the new buttons, pressure plates and levers that allow you to activate (open/close) the doors.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Also in Minecraft Pocket Edition The long-awaited iron door appeared as in the PC version of the game, it also functions with buttons and levers like a wooden door, otherwise you will not open the iron door – this door guarantees you maximum safety.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

With the arrival of rabbits in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 Playing will be more interesting than ever, because now you can open the rabbit hunting season at any time convenient for you! Rabbit specialty PE versions are exclusive because they differ from the PC version in their size, as well as the peculiarity that they will run away from you. Also, if you want to find rabbits, you will have to go to the forest to look for them. To kill a rabbit, we recommend that you use a bow, it will allow you to pierce the rabbit to death with one arrow.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Also, now, starting with Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0, Ghasts will appear in the Nether on their own – this was not possible before. In version 0.11.0, Ghasts were only added to the game, and in 0.12.0, the Nether was only added. But only zombie pigmen appeared in the Nether on their own.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Now, in addition to the pig-zombie in the Nether, you can meet Ghast, who will shoot fireballs at you, a lava cube, which looks very nice, but they are still hostile. When he sees you, he tries to attack you in every possible way. When you kill large and medium cubes, they decompose into several small cubes that then attack you. These mobs drop lava cream. Small lava cubes, unlike small slimes, deal damage to the player and do not drop cream.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

We almost forgot about the small pig-zombies that you can also meet while traveling in the lower world.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Traveling the world Minecraft Pocket Edition, namely in the desert, you can meet the Temple of the “saints”. Temples will be randomly generated in any place and part of the desert. By the way seed for double temple!Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Temples are a very valuable find, as many players know Minecraft PE 0.13.0 don’t even realize. When you enter Temple, you notice a beautiful pattern in the center of the temple, which is located in the floor. When you destroy the central colored blocks, a secret entrance to the “tomb” with treasures will open for you.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

The depth at which the treasure is hidden is quite large – 12 blocks, you can of course jump into this hole, but you should think in advance how you will get out of it. We recommend that you take a dozen unnecessary blocks with you. When you go down to the bottom of the Temple, you will see 4 chests and a pressure plate, which is located in the center of a small “room” – do not press it under any circumstances, it is a trap (under the floor there is TNT, which is activated by the pressure plate!Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

All the treasures of the Temple are hidden in these chests, these are cooler chests compared to the village, because the probability of finding diamonds in the Temple chests is very high.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

The developers also decided to make a slightly improved hotbar, which will now display item count numbers much larger than ever before. According to Thomas, this will increase the comfort of the game on devices with a small screen.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Also, the promised update regarding boats has finally happened, as Thomas promised earlier. The boats have become a little thinner than before, and they will now sail several times faster, which will increase the speed of movement on the water, as a result of which you can save time on going out into the ocean over long distances.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Regarding the new systems that are related to redstone and red dust. Minecraft Pocket Edition A hook (Tripwire Sensor) was added, which is used mainly to create traps. You can only find such a sensor in the Jungle Temple or make it yourself. These hooks can be placed opposite each other and connected by a thread and are activated when any entity touches the thread.

The two switches must be placed at a distance of no more than forty blocks, but there must be at least one block between them, not counting those above which they are located, then connect them with a thread. The thread can be in the air – it does not matter. If connected correctly, the tension sensor will drop and make a characteristic click. After that, when the entity contacts the thread or destroys it (without scissors), the tension sensors will give a signal. The contact itself is taken into account using the Block Update Sensor.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Once the signal is given, you can do nothing – it is given without delay, instantly. The signal will turn on the red wire, like a lever, button, etc.

A tension sensor is the perfect start to any trap; tension sensors may become the main means of counteracting griefers. The string itself is quite invisible and can serve as an excellent replacement for a pressure plate. True, there is one drawback – a griefer can break the string if it is outside the private. However, if the string is protected, he will not be able to disable it even with scissors.Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

We will not write about other updates related to redstone, because all the functions are quite obvious, and you could already test them with the addon. PocketPower Redstone.

In the last stage of testing the beta version 0.13.0, the developers decided to add a new skin pack called: “PVP Warriors“. Skins are paid as always and only a couple of skins remain free for us. But if you want to get a cool skin, which is in the client Minecraft PE 0.13.0 is paid, then go to the section skins for minecraft pe and download all skins for free including PVP Warriors skins!Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Скачать Minecraft PE 0.13.0
Download [20.46 Mb] downloads: 4508

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.13, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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