Download Minecraft PE 1.2.10 [Full version]

15:23, 25.01.2018
Download Minecraft PE 1.2.10 [Full version]

Surprisingly, the latest update for Minecraft 1.2.10 on Android not only addresses various bugs but also introduces several new features to the game world. The developers are continuously striving to make Minecraft PE 1.2 increasingly better and more engaging than its predecessors. It’s worth mentioning that the beta version included numerous fixes and innovations, and now the official release of Minecraft 1.2.10 for Android is here. The full title of the current version is
So, what can you expect to see after you download and install the game?

Изменения и фиксы багов в Minecraft

  • The sensitivity of the gamepad’s cursor can now be adjusted in the controller settings.
  • Sounds for logging in, player connections, and similar notifications will still be audible even when Mute is enabled.
  • The error message that appears when attempting to purchase content without enough Minecoins in Minecraft 1.2.10 has been updated.
  • Players can no longer unintentionally buy content from the marketplace by rapidly pressing the A button.

Изменения Minecraft

  • The sensitivity of the gamepad cursor can now be adjusted in the controller settings of Minecraft
  • Falling onto Hay Bales now reduces fall damage
  • Increased tick radius range that can be configured when creating or editing a world
  • All purchased content can now be automatically updated in Minecraft This feature can be disabled in the settings.
  • Inviting friends has been made easier!

As usual for Minecraft Pocket Edition, a comprehensive list of bug fixes has been released in the new version 1.2.10.

Скачать Minecraft PE 1.2.10 [Полная версия]

Исправления багов в Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.2.10

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating multiple worlds in Relics of the Privateers.
  • Resolved a crash in Minecraft that happened during rapid entry and exit from the marketplace.
  • Corrected a game crash that occurred when the host left their world while another player was viewing a chest.
  • Addressed a crash that happened when navigating the menu using both the D-pad and mouse simultaneously.
  • The game is once again playable on Windows 10 Mobile with an Xbox One controller.
  • The “Beam Me Up” achievement can now be unlocked again in MCPE 1.2.10.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Realms from updating.
  • The achievement screen will now display the most recent status without needing to close and reopen the game.

Геймплей в 1.2.10 для Android

  • You can now fill empty bottles with water in creative mode.
  • Falling onto slime blocks inflicts the correct damage.
  • The “Sign and Close” button for Book & Quill is now inactive if a name is not provided.
  • Players can now hold maps in both hands in Minecraft on Android.
  • Fixed the spawn point movement when approaching lava.
  • Double ferns will now appear in Mega Taigas.
  • Starting maps for Minecraft 1.2.10 on Android for Old Worlds have been increased to level 1/4.
  • Breaking an Ender chest with Silk Touch will no longer drop obsidian.
  • The protective spell will no longer shield players from fire in MSP.
  • A number of issues related to spawning in Minecraft 1.2.10 have been resolved.
  • Stone slabs and cobblestone walls now have proper fire resistance.
  • Fixed the spread of fire from lava.
  • Exploding vines and beds in the Void can no longer ignite TNT in worlds where “TNT Explodes” is disabled.
  • Bows now deal the same damage to players and mobs.
  • The starting map and bonus chest can no longer be selected for template worlds.

We haven’t listed about a dozen gameplay fixes, as there were too many minor adjustments made in Minecraft Build 1. It’s likely that even more will be added before the official release.

Исправления редстоун в Minecraft 1.2.10

Исправления мобов в Minecraft 1.2.10

  • Sheep no longer get stuck in the corners of fences.
  • Now you can obtain Elder Guardian and Zombie Villager eggs using the Pick Block feature in Creative mode.
  • The explosion range of creepers has been reduced in Minecraft 1.2.10 for Android.
  • Fixed mobs that were shaking while riding in minecarts.
  • Horses can no longer be controlled in deep water.
  • Llamas now form caravans instead of running in circles in version 1.2.10.
  • Mobs no longer see closed doors as valid paths and should not get stuck trying to pass through them.
  • Small mobs can no longer trample crops.
  • Cartographers in villages will now provide maps for new ocean monuments and woodland mansions located in yet-to-be-generated chunks in Minecraft
  • Villagers will now seek shelter in their homes during rain in Minecraft.
  • Fixed flowers that disappeared after using bone meal.

Исправления крафта в Minecraft 1.2.10

  • Various enhancements for selecting items in the recipe book when using touch screens with the classic interface
  • Creating items that utilized ingredients in the hotbar no longer causes the hotbar to shift when using a controller
  • Jumping on a horse, donkey, or mule while pressing against a wall with attached items no longer results in black blocks appearing around the wall
  • Enchanted apples can no longer be crafted
  • Fixed Mojang logo banners that were unusable in worlds converted from Xbox One.

Исправления графики и аудио в Minecraft 1.2.10

  • Beacons will now shine through lava in Minecraft for Android
  • Wither textures have been fixed during spawn and death animations
  • Pistons and beds no longer display large visual outlines when placed
  • The ability to see through lava while under the blindness effect has been corrected
  • Abandoned items no longer produce footstep sounds
  • The Ender Crystal beam is now focused on the crystal instead of the fire base
  • The dragon head will no longer flicker when using Norse Mythology textures.

Исправления интерфейса и комманд в Minecraft 1.2.10

  • Even with Mute activated, notifications about player join and leave events will still be displayed.
  • Text can now be accurately copied and pasted into text fields when using a keyboard.
  • Fixed formatting characters (§) cannot create new lines.
  • A rare issue where pressing the A key on the virtual keyboard would delete all other text has been resolved.
  • Object names that exceed 24 characters can now be edited properly.
  • Several enhancements have been made for menu navigation when using a controller.
  • Pressing the “Menu” button on the Xbox One controller now executes quick commands.
  • A bug that caused players to get stuck after posting a screenshot in Club has been fixed.
  • Players can no longer unintentionally purchase content from the marketplace on the patch notes screen by repeatedly pressing the A button.
  • The “Creative Menu” tab can now be scrolled with the right thumb when the gamepad is hidden.
  • Cloned banners will no longer appear as empty black banners.
  • Players can now be eliminated using “/ kill” even when they have Resistance effect level 4 or higher.
  • Players will no longer receive unknown map items in the offhand slot when using ‘/ replaceitem’.
  • Banners placed with the ‘/ fill’ command will no longer appear in random colors on Realms.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the changes. Approximately half of them were not detailed, and you can find them on the official website.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.2.10 на Андроид

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.2, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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