Minecraft: Pocket Edition 0.16.0 is the complete version of the game that was released on October 21, 2016. You can download Minecraft PE 0.16.0 from our website [links below]. MCPE 0.16.0 is the full version, and all beta versions 0.16.0 can be found here!
Brief overview of the updates in 0.16.0: the main feature of this version is the underwater fortress, as it is closely tied to all the new additions in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0! Within these underwater fortresses, you can encounter new mobs, including regular and ancient guardians.
The underwater fortress comprises numerous rooms, most of which serve no purpose other than aesthetic appeal.
The underwater fortress is made up of a variety of unique blocks, which are also part of the updates in Minecraft PE 0.16.0. You can find the list and screenshots of the new blocks further down on this page. For information on all other updates in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0, please continue reading below.
Что нового в MCPE 0.16.0?
1. Completely revamped game menu!
— The settings menu for Minecraft Pocket Edition now features an interface similar to that of the Windows 10 version. Throughout the beta testing phase of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0, the menu underwent several adjustments. You can now see the icons in the menu under settings > general settings > icons.
The sliders and cells in the settings menu have a very sleek and contemporary appearance. Managing all these features is straightforward and simple. If you haven’t experienced any beta versions of MCPE 0.16.0 before, you might find the new menu interface a bit uncomfortable at first. However, you’ll soon adapt, and the old menu will seem quite outdated to you! The game has introduced numerous new options (settings). You can explore all of this for yourself by downloading the latest version of Minecraft PE 0.16.0!
Some may be disappointed to learn that those who didn’t manage to install the “Minecon 2016” skins on their devices for free before October 3rd can no longer obtain them. For those unaware, the Minecon 2016 skins featured capes. Congratulations to those who saved one of these skins!
Capes in Minecraft PE 0.16.0 OR 0.17.0?
It’s worth mentioning that upcoming updates for MCPE are expected to introduce official support for skins. The initial test batch of caped skins was successful. Now, we just have to wait for the official skin support to be implemented, allowing us to install our own capes with our skins.
In the release of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0, you will find all the texture packs that were introduced in versions 0.15.7 – 0.15.10 (including skins as well).
2. New World Editing Menu
— The world creation/editing menu in the main menu of Minecraft Pocket Edition has also been updated to feature a more modern interface.
When creating a world, you have the option to enable or disable cheats for each individual world.
By activating cheats, you gain the ability to use commands within the game.
Additionally, you can set custom textures and addons for each world as well.
In addition, within the game settings, you have the option to apply textures that will be used across all worlds. If you prefer to set textures individually for a specific world, you can do so through the world settings.
The installation of add-ons (extensions) for Minecraft 0.16.0, such as textures, is a new feature that was introduced in one of the beta versions of 0.16.0 and will now be a permanent addition.
Add-ons are similar to mods, with a slight distinction. The modding of add-ons, particularly in terms of textures, is just beginning to flourish in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Currently, a wide variety of add-ons for Minecraft PE have already been developed — download add-ons for Minecraft PE.
For add-ons and texture packs, the root folder of the game com.mojang should contain the following directories: resource_packs and behavior_packs.
- The behavior_packs folder is designated for add-ons.
- The resource_packs folder is intended for textures.
— Here is a list of all the commands available in Minecraft Pocket Edition (make sure to enable cheats when creating a world for the commands to function)
- /clearfixedinv — Exclusive to the Pocket Edition
- /clone
- /deop
- /execute
- /fill
- /gamemode
- /give
- /help (or /?)
- /terminate
- /directory
- /admin
- /broadcast
- /placeblock
- /setfixedinventoryslot – Exclusive to the pocket edition
- /setspawnpoint
- /checkpoint
- /summon
- /tell (or /msg, /w)
- /testforblocks
- /time
- /toggledownfall
- /tp (or /teleport)
- /testforblock
- /weather
- /wsserver – Available exclusively for the pocket edition
- /xp
4. Underwater fortresses introduced in Minecraft 0.16.0
— This is one of the most anticipated updates. Discovering underwater fortresses, guardians, new blocks, and sponges for water absorption—these features are all amazing, but let’s take them one at a time!
So, underwater fortresses. Locating them can be quite challenging, which is why you should utilize our seeds to discover an underwater fortress. Here’s one seed that will help you quickly find a fortress — two fortresses nearby, CHECK IT OUT!
Surrounding this underwater fortress, you will encounter numerous guardians, and inside the fortress, you may come across an elder guardian. The elder guardian is significantly larger than the regular guardians and features a somewhat aged texture.
— Read the article about the guardian!
The underwater fortress is made up of: prismarine, dark prismarine, prismarine brick, sea lantern, gold block, wet sponge.
For more information about underwater fortresses, you can read this article — underwater fortresses (read)!
5. New Blocks in Minecraft PE 0.16.0
— The new blocks I have included are:
- Sea Lantern.
- Prismarine.
- Wet Sponge.
- Beacon.
6. New Items and Elements:
- Prismarine Shard in Pocket Edition 0.16.0.
- Prismarine Crystal.
- Nether Star.
- Exclusive to Pocket Edition: Potion of Decay.
- Exclusive to Pocket Edition: Explosive Potion of Decay.
- Exclusive to Pocket Edition: Potion of Decay.
- Exclusive to Pocket Edition: Arrow of Decay.
7. Major Changes in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0:
- Enhanced performance
- The skin selector no longer displays the silhouettes of skins behind it when selecting a custom skin.
- Mouse sensitivity for vertical and horizontal movements has been adjusted (Windows 10 edition only).
- Maximum render distance has been increased (Windows 10 edition and Education edition only).
- Clock texture has been fixed.
- Old world settings now only display the button to convert to infinite world.
8. New Boss in MCPE 0.16.0
— It’s no longer a secret that the Wither is classified as a Boss in Minecraft Pocket Edition. The Wither stands out as one of the most formidable bosses available in Minecraft. To encounter this powerful foe, you must summon it yourself!
To summon the Wither, you will need a head and soul sand. The Wither spawns similarly to iron golems; you need to place soul sand blocks and Wither skeleton skulls in the same manner as iron blocks and a pumpkin, but with two Wither skeleton skulls on the side soul sand blocks.
Once the wither is spawned, it will start with half of its health. However, over time, this health will gradually increase to 100%. During the health recovery phase, the wither will appear white, and it will steadily gain health each second until it reaches full capacity. Once the wither achieves 100% health, it will explode.
And from this moment, everything begins. The Wither starts to fly around aggressively, exploding everything in its path.
9. Draining Water Pools.
— With the introduction of sponges in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0, you can now drain both large and small lakes, as well as rivers, preventing water from flooding your caves and much more related to water, as sponges absorb water within a certain radius around them.
Here’s an illustration of how you drained the river. We placed sponges along the riverbed, and all the water was absorbed. This is the final result.
Other versions of Minecraft for Android: Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.8 Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1.5
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.0.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.17.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0
Скачать Майнкрафт 0.16.0 на андроид
I love minecraft
I love minecraft
SaliQuote: MarklenardSaliI love Minecraft 😚
[email protected]
Minecraft is fun😘😁😁😁Hididneu2
meh love minecraft
Beautiful game
Хотя я девочка, но мне нравится Майнкрафт, я давно хотела чтобы я играла в эту игру, сегодня исполнилось моя желание.
Я хочу скачати майн но неможу :^(
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